
Have questions about Mediation?  Contact us today.



What is Mediation?

In family law, mediation is a process where two parties meet with a neutral third-party who will help them resolve their disputes. The mediators at Farkhad & Wang will help parties resolve disputes related to their child custody, child support, spousal support (alimony), property division, and any other disputes related to their divorce. We will also prepare all the necessary forms that must be filed with the Court in order to formalize your agreement.

Why should I choose mediation?

Mediation has many benefits. First, unlike litigation, you stand to save a lot of money on attorney’s fees and costs. Second, you will save a lot of time because you won’t have to wait to get a hearing date in Court (which can take anywhere between 2-6 months depending on the issue). Finally, and most importantly, people who participate in mediation are more likely to have an amicable relationship moving forward than those who choose to litigate in Court.

To read about additional benefits of mediation, click here.

Does a mediator need to be an attorney?

We highly recommend that you choose a mediator who is not only a licensed California attorney but an attorney who focuses their practice on Family Law. This is because even though the mediator can’t represent either party, they can address disputes that they know (through experience) may eventually come up.

The mediators at Farkhad & Wang are California licensed attorneys who limit their practice to Family Law. As a result of our legal experience we know what disputes are likely to come up in the future and we will address those concerns during meditation. By addressing a potential issue in mediation, you will avoid having to come back to Court and litigate the issue in the future.

Can I still obtain legal advice if I choose to go through mediation?

Yes. At Farkhad & Wang, we recommend that each party first consult with an attorney to ensure that they understand the legal ramifications and impacts of the final negotiated agreement before they sign it. We also encourage the parties to speak to an attorney throughout the mediation process so that they understand what their rights are and that all of their legal questions are answered.

What happens if we don’t have an agreement at the end of mediation?

At Farkhad & Wang, all of our mediation cases have resulted in an agreement. However, in the unlikely event that you don’t reach an agreement at the end of mediation, you can always resort to litigation. Mediation does not prevent you from being able to litigate your case in the future.

If we don’t enter into a mediated agreement, can one of the attorneys at Farkhad & Wang represent me at Court?

No. In the unlikely event that you and the other party don’t reach an agreement at the end of your mediation sessions with Farkhad & Wang, the attorneys at Farkhad & Wang would be unable to represent you or the other party in Court due to ethical conflicts.

Are there any types of cases where you don’t recommend mediation?

Mediation is a great option for many cases. However, we don’t recommend that you try to mediate the case if there are any domestic violence or abuse issues in your case.

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Other Practice Areas:

As a full service family law firm with over 20 years experience, Farkhad & Wang has expertise tending to the most delicate cases involving all facets of family law.  In addition, Farkhad & Wang focuses solely on family law providing exceptional service in the following areas


Resolve your case outside of court, saving time and money spent on attorney's fees. Our qualified mediators can act as a neutral party to help resolve disputes related to your divorce.

Spousal Support

Whether temporary or long term spousal support, we can help you understand the amount of spousal support you will be required to pay or entitled to receive. As spousal support is dependent on a number of factors, which can change over time, it's important to know your rights.

Child Support

When children are involved with a separation or divorce, child support ensures your children's welfare is adequately maintained.

Property Division

We can advise you on the division of community property, quasi community property and confirmation of separate property.

Child Custody

Whether seeking advice on a custody agreement or if you are seeking court intervention it is important to consult an attorney to ensure the best interests of the parents and children are served.